Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Have you ever wondered...

- Why is it so dang easy to get distracted by completely useless things?

- After looking around yourself, have you ever asked yourself, am I just as crazy as the rest of them, or am I still holding onto at least a thread of sanity?

- Are there any good guys left in the world? Eligible, single bachelors, perhaps?

- Where in the world does the time go? Wasn't it just Halloween?

- Why do professors think that you only have their class, and thus feel the need to pile absurd amounts of homework onto your already-too-full plate?

- Why does winter seem to drag on and on and on and on?

- Why do little kids have absolutely no inhibitions? And why the rest of us can't just loosen up a little?

- Is it mean to laugh when the driver who cuts you off and speeds ahead gets stuck at the stop light? Or when he gets pulled over? You just kinda want to say, "Ha ha! You win!"

- Should it really be so difficult to find motivation to exercise? Honestly, people. Why is it so hard?

- And finally, is it really necessary to hold full volume conversations in the quiet computer lab? I mean, really. I don't want to hear about your boyfriend or your homework woes or your medical conditions. I just want to hear the click-clack of the keyboard as I mindlessly, yet effectively, avoid my homework.


Jan said...

Can I just say that I LOVED your 'wondering' list? I've had the same questions myself -- you made me smile today and I've been feeling a bit discouraged - so thank you!

Kasie said...

I wonder the same things - especially about school. Seriously, how is that all professors, even ones who teach general ed classes, seem to seriously think that their class is the most important one you will ever take and should be your entire focus?

Kelsey M. said...

I wonder all of these questions. I really do.

brit said...

ha, ha! logan you are funny! hang in there with school. graduation is worth it! miss ya,

annie said...

Girlfriend,Here's a big "Amen" to all the things you're wondering. Thanks for your patience the other day!

maremee said...

Get out of my brain! Actually I just think you're kind of cute.

Karin said...

I enjoyed that. :)