Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

Today was a good day. In 1st period today, we watched a very touching movie that showed various pictures of military servicemen/women from WWII to the present. I had a hard time not getting emotional as I listened to the music and watched the images. It made me so thankful for good men and women who give up so much to defend our incredible country and the amazing freedoms we enjoy.
To honor our soldiers, we wrote thank you letters today in class. My kids became so involved in their letters and really put a lot of thought into it. It was very touching. I even got 3 other teachers to join in on the fun. 274 letters later, they are ready to send off and will be delivered to very deserving soldiers in Iraq.
So thank you to those incredibly brave men and women making sacrifices, risking their lives, and fighting their hearts out so that we can live the way we do. And thank you to those who have already taken their turn serving. The service rendered has not been forgotten.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Another month has gone by and, once again, I have been a slacker on the blogging front. For the 3 of you that read this, I'm sorry! No excuses, really. I just haven't blogged. There. I admitted it. I'm lazy. (Hey, isn't admitting it the first step to recovery? Sweet. Then I'm part way there.)

I wish I could say that I have been up to all kinds of crazy shenannigans, but unfortunately, 'tis not the case. But, here are some pictures of Halloween this year:

The Addis family made fabulous zoo keepers and a cute little monkey, the Mauch family dressed up as awesome Boston players, Sky was the best secret service agent ever, and I was a sassy rock star. I even had a guitar. That's right. I totally rocked. (no pun intended)

In other news, I made it through the first term of the school year! Grades are submitted, papers and projects are graded, and I'm still sane (well, I suppose that is debatable). It flew by. Seriously. I feel like it was just the first day of school. Hey, time flies when you're having fun!

Well, I think that about sums it up. I will make no promises as to when you will see another post on this blog, since I seem to be a slacker, but I'll do my best. :) Until then...