Friday, December 11, 2009

Just A Little Thought...

Today... I will---
be everything I want to be.
Tomorrow... I will---
love everything I have become.
Next week... I will---
love others for what they want to be.
Next month... I will---
love others for what they have become.
Next year... I will---
have achieved everything.
In two years... I will---
become everything.

I found this on the back of one of my student's papers (apparently she gets bored during class...). I thought it was pretty neat.

Happy Weekend! :) Enjoy the beautiful snow!


michael. mindy. dane. said...

Amazing what they can come up with on their own!

Kelsey M. said...

I love the deep thoughts of 9th graders. i was one once. ha :)

Karin said...

That is pretty neat. How are you feeling? You are probably the kindest/sweetest person I have ever met- I just love you!