Monday, January 18, 2010

Am I The Only One

that wishes the long weekend won't end? That tomorrow morning, school will magically be canceled? And I can have one more day to relax? That'd be swell.


Karin said...

I wish Matt had today off!

maremee said...

AMEN! I love long weekends and we have them not nearly enough.

Kelsey M. said...

i think you are the only one. oh wait. i'm probably the only one that is GLAD to go back to school tomorrow. weird.

michael. mindy. dane. said...

You're not alone! The problem? I say this every Sunday

michael. mindy. dane. said...

Hey. Yeah the kids liked it. I like the video because of how they're dressed and stuff. I also showed the "Check Yes Juliet" by We The Kings and then they answered questions about both songs and videos. Then they had to write a paragraph on what the 2 songs tell us about Romeo and Juliet. They figured out that they're young, it's forbidden love, they sneak out to see each other, etc. I felt like it was really helpful, and I think it's good to show them some pop culture stuff to get them interested. We start reading it next week, so we'll see. Anyway, I'm not trying to say my ideas are amazing or anything, but it seemed to work pretty well. Let me know how it goes for you!