Friday, October 12, 2012

People these days...

So I was watching 20/20 this evening. (I know, a lovely Friday night activity. Give me a break. It's what you do when you're alone and don't have any plans, available/single friends, or anywhere to go.) The theme of the episode was the extremes people go to in order to improve their appearance. I. Was. Shocked. at the things people will do these days. One guy has undergone 90 surgeries in an attempt to make himself look like a real-life Ken doll. 90! Several people have had a feeding tube inserted in their nose to lose weight quickly. Girls are wearing corsets again to "train" their bones to be smaller.

It all sounds so smart and so healthy, right?!? I was flabbergasted. But the thing that caused the biggest question in my head was this: Companies are apparently desperate for advertising, so people are having company logos tattooed on their FACES. They do get paid for such a service (one Utah woman was paid $10,000), but I mean, honestly. Really?!? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. She has now spent over $800 to have it removed, and she's not done yet.

Speaking of extremes, I just saw Miley Cyrus on the Tonight Show. What the?



Gina said...

I saw Miley too and didn't even recognize her. What a weirdo!

Valerie Hall said...

I watched 20/20 too! Those people were CRAZY!!!